Going to homecoming?! School has started and that means dances! With Homecoming right around the corner I’d thought it’d be great to share a fun formal hairstyle that would be perfect for the occasion.
This style is actually a lot easier to do than it looks so I hope you love it. If you’re going to homecoming this year and loved this hairstyle then be sure to leave a comment down below and let me know!
Double Lace Braids Updo Instructions:
- Step 1 / Begin by parting the hair where you normally prefer; I’m placing mine on the far right side.
- Step 2 / Divide off a section of hair at the crown, lay the left side over the right and pin it against the head with several bobby pins.
- Step 3 / Now divide the remaining hair into three sections, a left side, right side and a back section.
- Step 4 / Tie the back section into a low ponytail with a clear elastic band and braid it into three strand braid, securing the end with another elastic.
- Step 5 / Pull on the edges of the braid to make it fuller and then wrap it into a bun around the top elastic.
- Step 6 / Slide bobby pins arounds the edges to secure it against the head.
- Step 7 / Now braid the left section of hair into a lace braid bringing in hair along the hairline and working back towards the bun.
- Step 8 / When the last section of hair is brought in, cross the braid over the top of the bun and pin it against the head with a few bobby pins.
- Step 9 / Go back and fan out the braid by pulling slightly on the edges to make it fuller.
- Step 10 / Now create a second lace braid with the section on the right side; crossing the side strands over the middle and bringing in hair along the hair line until reaching the bun at the back.
- Step 11 / Lay the braid over the top of the bun and slide several bobby pins into the braid to pin it against the head.
- Step 12 / Take the ends from the braids and create small loops at the top of the bun and pin them in place with bobby pins.
Pro tip: curl & hairspray your hair prior to styling to give the updo more support
Such a pretty hairstyle and your directions are great!
Enjoy yourstyles, but just how long does hair need to be?
Hey girl,
Love all your hairstyles so so cute!:)
Also I love all the clothes you wear , such cute tops
Where do you shop girl?
Hi Lucy, Thanks so much (: My favorite stores are Forever 21, Nordstroms, J.Crew and Abercrombie and Fitch <3
Hi! Ok I LOVE doing hair but my hair is way too thin for anything fun! Do you have any advice or anything to help me get it thicker?
I would definitely recommend trying extensions (: My hair is thinner after having extensions and they really make a big difference!
Oh my gosh! I love this hairstyle. I actually feel like it’s doable for a special occasion. Thanks for explaining the concept of the lace braid. As always, I love the coloring of your hair. Such movement! Keep up the great work!!