After so many requests for a tutorial of this hairstyle and I’m excited to finally be sharing it! This hairstyle is so similar to the pull through braid. It’s not extremely difficult but it does take a bit of patience to get all the way through it.
It’s a really fun hairstyle to wear and it’ll be perfect for the Summer months when the weather heats up. It’s literally great for playing sports, hanging out at the beach, camping, working out, you name it. Give it a try, I have no doubt it’s going to become your new favorite hairstyle.
Bushel Braid Supplies:
Bushel Braid Instructions:
- Step 1 / Begin by dividing out a section of hair at the crown and tie it off with an elastic band.
- Step 2 / Clip this first ponytail out of the way.
- Step 3 / Then divide out a new section of hair from above the ears and tie this together with a second elastic underneath the first one.
- Step 4 / With the top ponytail, divide off a small section of hair and drop it down next to the second ponytail.
- Step 5 / Then divide out a small section from the second ponytail and hold it in the left hand.
- Step 6 / Then divide off a new section from the top ponytail and drop it down.
- Step 7 / Then take a small section from the bottom ponytail, holding it in the left hand.
- Step 8 / Repeat this pattern, alternating small sections of hair between the top and bottom ponytail, keeping the sections from the bottom ponytail in the left hand while dropping down the hair from the top ponytail.
- Step 9 / Once the two ponytails are divided up into small, alternating sections then take the hair being held in the left hand and clip it out of the way.
- Step 10 / Now divide out a new section of hair from behind the ears, combine it with the hair divided out from the first ponytail and tie it together with an elastic band.
- Step 11 / Let down the hair clipped away and go back over the first loop, pulling on the edges to make it fuller.
- Step 12 / Now repeat the same steps with the two new sections of hair dividing them into small sections, alternating the top hair with the bottom and holding the hair from the second ponytail in the left hand.
- Step 13 / Then clip away the hair from the bottom ponytail, pick up the rest of the hair and tie it together with the hair from the top ponytail.
- Step 14 / Then let down the hair that was clipped away and go back over the second section of hair, pulling on the edges to make it fuller.
- Step 15 / Now repeat those same steps and create two more sections of the braid. *You can create as many sections of the braid as you’d like.
- Step 16 / Set the style with hairspray and smooth down any flyaways.
This is a great hairstyle. Thank you so much! God Bless You!
I love this one! I’m going to try it. I work in green houses part time and I need hairstyles that keep out of the way.