Today for the challenge, I am sharing something that I am struggling with right now.
Flat out, the thing I am struggling with the most lately and have been for the past few months are my own career aspirations. It may seem frivolous compared to cancer or something more life threatening but it’s something I worry about regardless. I mean we’re talking about the rest of my life here {insert deadpan stare followed by sarcastic laugh}.
For those who didn’t already know, I currently work full-time as an executive secretary. How I wound up here in this position is a story of it’s own but I know that this is where I’m supposed to be and it is literally the best job I’ve ever had.
The question comes, “What do I want to do for the rest of my life?” and this is where the struggle comes in. As much as I enjoy my job, I am the type of person who always has their hands in several other cookie jars. I blog, and with my blog I cover a vast assortment of topics including, hair, makeup, fashion, recipes, my lifestyle at home, and many other things. I enjoy all of it. I could never narrow it down because I would get bored too quickly with only one topic.
Add on top of that the fact that I tutor twice a week, a sixth grader and occasionally an 8th grader, and I volunteer for my church during the week and on the occasional weekend. All of this is to say that I keep myself busy and yet still struggle with knowing what I want to do for the rest of my life.
Sure, I wish my blog could grow a little bigger a littler faster. I would love to work from home and do all these things that I do as hobbies and in my spare time as a full-time job but in my case, slow and steady wins the race; that is how I’m handling it. I’m sure in the future my life will take some different turns, like when we start our family, but for now I’m trying to handle it day by day. Waking up every morning to go to work, planning posts for this blog in my down time, spending my evenings tutoring and volunteering as a youth leader.
Yet, despite my own struggles (or goals as I like to see it) when it comes to my daily life and career aspirations, I’m taking it slowly. Reading other’s tips and tricks, keeping up on the newest trends, practicing my hand at new makeup and hair styles, taking it step by step, slowly figuring out what my true interests are. All the while making sure that I am still loving it, enjoying every minute of it, because that is what’s really important.