1 / Start with a cleanser that is recommended for your brand of brush or from a makeup stylist.
2 / Hold your brush so the bristles are facing down. You want to keep the handle relatively dry and not let water run down the bristles and into the handle.
3 / Pour the cleanser into the palm of your hand; about a nickel size amount or more depending on the size of the brush
4 / Gently dab your brush into the cleanser
5 / Swirl the brush around your hand to distribute the cleanser throughout the bristles
6 / Rinse the brush in clean water, holding the bristles downward
7 / Gently squeeze the bristles together to form the original shape of the brush while removing excess water
8 / Line your freshly cleaned brushes along the rim of the sink to keep their shape while they dry; about 24 hours. You can also purchase this product to speed up the drying time and keep the shape of your brushes.
Your brushes look gorgeous – even in the first pictures! All chunky and bristly! I have serious brush-envy!!