It’s official. AJ’s folks are coming home today. Today. It’s finally here. After a year and a half, they’re already back. It went so fast and yet at the beginning it seemed like forever away. Funny how time does that.
We’ve been packing like fools lately. Just filling and stacking boxes like it’s going out of style. I’m so nervous about moving the big stuff like our dressers and bed. I can’t wait til it’s over and done.
(Getting ice cream)
Me: “No I don’t want one.”
[what I heard]
AJ: “Will you shower with me?”
Me: “No I showered yesterday.”
AJ: “What?”
Me: “What’d you say?”
AJ: “Will you share with me?”
(Eating dinner)
Me: “I was going to ask you something but now I can’t remember what it was.”
AJ: “What’s your favorite color? What’s the maximum airspeed velocity of a sparrow?”
(Before watching a movie)
Me: “I need to shower.”
AJ: “No. I showered this morning.”
Me: “.Huh?”
Super super super cute! Showing love from the http://www.thecraftyreporter.blogspot.com
I don’t comment to thank you enough (ie-never) for all your braid tutorials. Love them!
The shower quotes made me laugh out loud. :D I needed that laugh.